提供方: rhashemian
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NOREF - Suppress Referrer (referer) for Hyperlinks
Privacy Policy
This extension is completely private.
All data saved using this extension are kept locally on the browser and available only to the user.
This extension does not collect nor transmit any data to any parties.

V1.5: Conforms to manifest v2
V1.4: Can now exclude (whitelist) full or partial domains or URLs
V1.3: Optimization/Cleanup
V1.2: The extension's icon is now hidden
V1.1: Skipped
V1.0: This extension adds a rel=noreferrer attribute to every link on any web page being viewed. It blocks sending referer headers to landing pages, thereby strengthening privacy while browsing.
Referrer (aka referer) is a header value transmitted by the browser to a target web site when a link is clicked on. It contains the URL of the referring web site where the link was clicked on. Some users may not wish to share that information with websites while they browse due to privacy concerns. This Chrome extension blocks the transmission of the referrer header to sites, by adding rel=noreferrer to every link on web pages.

Note1: The rel=noreferrer attribute is only supported in HTML5 compliant browsers such as Chrome.

Note2: Some sites may require referrer to function properly, although such requirement is strongly discouraged. Majority of the sites will function properly without the referrer header.

Note3: If a link is dynamically added or altered after a page is loaded, for example via ajax, the referrer block may not take effect on that link. Haven't tested this yet. If someone does, please let us know.

Note4: This extension does not block referrer transmission for other page elements such as scripts, images, or forms. But all hyperlinks are processed to block referrer.

Robert Hashemian
NOREF Chrome插件下载
