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Language Learner

提供方: languagelearnermit
效率 57 位用户


Check Quizlet to highlight requested words
The prospect of having to spend hours poring over flashcards trying to remember arcane words you've never seen before is intimidating. However, if you enjoy reading newspaper and other articles online, here's the solution. If you happen upon a word you don't know, you probably won't look it up in a dictionary, as you're invested in whatever you are reading and will piece together some meaning of the word. This is fine for the moment, but you might end up not learning the word. That point is where we step in. This chrome extension highlights all the words that appear in a Quizlet set, of your choosing -- it can be one of yours or one of the many public ones available -- in whatever webpage the user is reading. This way, you are reminded that these words are ones you need to know, and you can gradually learn the meaning and remember to look them up after reading the article. We hope this tool helps students of all ages and backgrounds, and even those who speak different languages, learn more vocabulary, as this extension can be used for Quizlet sets in other languages as well! Thanks so much. 

Made @ HackMIT 2017 by Claire Hsu, Áron Ricardo Perez-Lopez, Karunya Sethuraman


ID pkiomgaogbbgpaampaccppaoidkmnbbh 版本 1.2 上次更新日期 2017年11月12日 大小 496KiB 语言 支持1 种语言 开发者




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