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提供方: bladtman.extends
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Follow links and click buttons using the keyboard. Click the "f" key to activate the plugin, click "Esc" to deactivate. When…
Follow links and click buttons using the keyboard.
Click the "f" key to activate the plugin, click "Esc" to deactivate.
When active, anything clickable will get a little tag displayed next to it. Type the letters in the tag to click it! Modifier keys (ctrl, win/super, alt) held down while typing the tag letters are honored.

You can escape the extension by hitting "," (comma). If the next key you press is "f" it will not activate the extension.

If you click the "y" and then the "f" key in rapid successsion, the selected link will be copied into the clipboard instead of being followed.

There are other extensions that offer similar features, but they seem to always come with a ton of extras, like regex search, or full text-editor implementations.
This extension offers mouse-less link and button clicking, and nothing else.

2.0.0: don't disable plugin when an input field is focused, provided it is a checkbox or radio button.
1.3.1: remove debug log statements.
1.3.0: fix issue with stacking contexts, causing tags to not be visible on some websites.
1.2.0: fix bug where plugin sometimes get's activated when typing in an input field, if the field was focused before the plugin loaded.
1.1.0: fix bug where plugin sometimes gets activated when typing in an input field.


ID ejojmbgkfcgcdhhcblobjmalkimkaaci 版本 2.0.0 上次更新日期 2023年6月20日 大小 14.41KiB 语言 支持1 种语言 开发者




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