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Domain Whitelist

提供方: Peta Sittek
效率 2,000+ 位用户


Ultimate blocker which says no to every network packet until you explicitly allow it.
By default Domain Whitelist blocks everything. Everything. It's up to you to build your very customized whitelist of domains you trust. Everything else is blocked and well kept out of your browser.

It's like AdBlock the other way around, completely.

🚀 Hide ads
⭐️ by blocking advertisement domains you're free of the most of those pervasive ads

🚀 Avoid tracking
⭐️ by blocking tracking domains you're protected from services which acquire information about your browsing behaviour

🚀 Load pages faster
⭐️ by blocking unnecessary domains (requests) you save a lot of traffic and make pages loading faster!

🚀 Fight procrastination
⭐️ just add facebook.com to the blocklist and... do more!

🚀 Permissions explained
⭐️ "Read and change all your data on the websites you visit": to be able to intercept HTTP request before they leave your browser

Completely free and with no ads

Made with ♥ by Peta Sittek


ID njkbjdmigienhoeccpigopgjmlgmdine 版本 1.1.6 上次更新日期 2017年7月25日 大小 201KiB 语言 支持1 种语言 开发者


Dlouha Prague 11000 CZ 适用浏览器


Domain Whitelist Chrome插件下载
